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3 Signs It's Time To Replace Your Old Kitchen Cabinets

3 Signs It's Time To Replace Your Old Kitchen Cabinets

If you're one of the many homeowners out there who finds themselves pausing every time they pass by their old kitchen cabinets, wondering if the time has come to finally make a change, you have likely already answered your own question. Whether you're just tired of their old appearance, you never seem able to find the space you need for anything, or you're just looking to make a change around your home, replacing your old kitchen cabinets can be a wonderful investment. If you're still on the fence about whether or not now is the right time to invest in new kitchen cabinets, we invite you to take just a few minutes to read through this short list our team of professionals have put together that highlight a few common signs that indicate your cabinets are ready for a change. Read on and give our team of Ottawa renovation and remodeling contractors a call today to schedule an appointment for your consultation.

New Kitchen Design

If you're planning on having any kind of kitchen remodeling done or just making changes to the overall design of your kitchen space, replacing your old cabinets can give you just what you need to breathe new life into your new kitchen design. Whether you're just looking for something a bit newer with a different color, or you're looking to dramatically alter the layout of your kitchen by moving your cabinets to another location, this gives you the perfect opportunity to throw out the old and bring in the new.

Water Damage

If you notice that your cabinet doors aren't really closing anymore like they should be, you find wet, dark spots on your wood, or you catch the scent of mold whenever you open your cabinet doors, chances are that you have some water damage on your hands. The first step is to identify where the water is coming from and make sure it gets stopped, and after doing that, you're going to want to take stock of the extent of the damage to your cabinets themselves. If you notice that you have extensive water damage, or you have water damage across several areas of your cabinets, your best bet is likely to go ahead and start considering replacement options. Once water damage has started affecting an area of your cabinets, it can start to spread to others, and oftentimes the best option is just to start fresh.

Bad Layout

If you're one of the many homeowners out there who constantly finds themselves struggling to find space for anything in their cabinets, or your old cabinets are just inconveniently placed in your kitchen, frustrating you to no end, it might be time to start considering replacements. Your kitchen is easily one of the most important rooms in the house, and as such, it should be laid out in a way that meets both your functional needs and your aesthetic desires, and replacing your old cabinets is a great way to help you kitchen meet both of those requirements.

If you're looking for professional kitchen cabinet renovation for your Ottawa home, call Milowen General Contracting at 613-742-0800, or fill out our online request form.